29 junho 2012
25 junho 2012
Workshop_Associação Palombar_Atenor_Miranda do Douro
Associação Palombar
Workshop de construção em terra
7-8 Julho 2012
Local: Aldeia de Atenor, Miranda do Douro

Workshop de construção em terra
7-8 Julho 2012
Local: Aldeia de Atenor, Miranda do Douro

12 junho 2012
Moinho de Vento em Taipa_OAPIX
Moinho de vento, construção centenária de taipa,
Cabeça Gorda, Beja, 1955
Non Destructive evaluation of Historic Hakka Rammed Earth Structures_Ruifeng Liang
Non Destructive evaluation of Historic Hakka Rammed Earth Structures_
Ruifeng Liang
Ruifeng Liang
11 junho 2012
Touraterre _ Workshop ‘le village’_ 8 a 29 de Setembro 2012, Provence, França
Pelo segundo ano consecutivo a Touraterre organiza um workshop relacionado com a arquitectura de terra contemporânea. Em 2012, irá decorrer entre os dias 8 e 29 de Setembro, em Saumanes, França. As inscrições terminam a 1 de Julho.
_Design and build a small project out of raw earth;
_Touraterre: committed to traditional technics and earth building;
_The event: a youth encounter with raw earth architecture in the south of France;
_The goal: Imagining, designing and building a small project out of mud. The students will work for two weeks on the projects, learn about traditional building techniques and the material;
_Experimenting and working in an international context;
_The workshop will take place in Cavaillon, at the site of a local association “la croisée des regards”;
_The workshop is meant to be experimental and didactic, and will be supervised by professionals of diverse backgrounds and specialists in mud construction;
REGISTRATION FOR 2012 UNTIL THE 1st of JULLY. Please send a statement of interest, your portfolio or any questions to: touraterre@gmail.com or on www.touraterre.com
In september 2011 the first Touraterre workshop around the question of
contemporary earth architecture and took place in Provence. The workshop was hosted
by the 'association Le Village' in Cavaillon. During two weeks 18 european
students worked on 5 projects. Each developping the question of
contextual contemporean earth architecture in Provence.
ResTapia 2012 - Congreso Internacional Restauración de Tapia_ 21 a 23 de Junho 2012_ Valencia, Espanha
RESTAPIA 2012 es un congreso internacional sobre la arquitectura de tapia y su restauración y, de forma más general, sobre las técnicas constructivas de tierra y su restauración, que tendrá lugar los días 21, 22 y 23 de Junio 2012, en Valencia. Este encuentro pretende favorecer la puesta en común de las experiencias de restauración del patrimonio arquitectónico monumental y no monumental realizadas en la Península Ibérica y en el resto del mundo para poder aprender de todas estas intervenciones y extraer conclusiones y perspectivas para el futuro. Con ello, pretende constituirse en un hito fundamental a nivel internacional en la reflexión sobre la conservación y restauración de la arquitectura de tapia y de tierra en general.
El programa de RESTAPIA 2012 incluye conferencias invitadas impartidas por conferenciantes destacados a nivel internacional en el tema y presentación de comunicaciones y pósters durante los días 21 y 22 de junio de 2012, y una jornada de visitas técnicas el día 23 de junio de 2012.
Consulte todos os detalhes do evento em: http://www.restapia2012.es/
9th International Masonry Conference
The 9th International Masonry Conference will be held in Guimarães, Portugal in July 7-9, 2014 as a joint initiative from the University of Minho and the International Masonry Society.
This Conference series has become one of the most important international events in the masonry world and it takes place every four years. The technical program will include plenary sessions with invited speakers and parallel sessions of selected papers arranged according to the most relevant topics in masonry. The organizers will plan an enjoyable social program, taking advantage of Guimarães (a Unesco World Heritage site), and the neighborhood city of Porto and the Douro Valley.
06 junho 2012
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