
03 dezembro 2008

Enviromentally friendly Earth Homes

Aproveitamos para colocar um pequeno artigo de opinião sobre Construção em Terra crua e Construções com Palha publicado no site http://our-greenhome.com por C. Bailey-Lloyd / Lady Camelot

Environmentally-Friendly Earth Homes
December 2, 2008 ·

What are “Earth Homes?” Earth homes are houses that are basically constructed from the earth. Some earth homes are built from adobe, mud, straw or even underground as an earth-sheltered home. Environmentally friendly, earth homes are easy to warm and cool and extremely energy efficient.
Adobe Earth homes are houses constructed from bricks comprisedof tightly compacted earth, clay and straw. Adobe earth homescan be naturally water proofed by using fermented cactus juice!
Earth sheltered earth homes are houses the are constructed underground - or at least mostly beneath the ground surface.

Surrounding soil is a superp and natural insulation which makes these homes cheap to heat and cool. Usually installed in awell-drained hillside, earth sheltered homes have a skylight window that can fill the home with natural sunlight. Although costs may run a bit higher than conventional home construction,earth sheltered homes are a good, long-term investment as lowered maintenance and energy savings make up the difference.
Straw Bale earth homes are making a comeback as well. Straw bale earth homes are obviously constructed of straw and grass, are energy efficient, and can cut material building costs by as much as fifty percent.
Earth homes, such as Cob Houses are built from clay-type lumpsof soil, sand and straw. Similar to the adobe homes, except cobearth homes do not use bricks or blocks. Cob homes have walls that are sculpted into smooth forms. Again, very energy efficient, cob homes are well-suited for the very cold climates and deserts.
Rammed earth homes may have over 18-inch, thick walls that are made from a comcination of dirt, sand, cement and water. Energy conservative, rammed earth homes have the appearance of bungalow-style charm and help keep the house warm in winter and cool in the summer. Additionally, rammed earth homes may last hundreds of years.
Why build an earth home? Earth homes conserve energy, and in most cases are easier to maintain and can endure for years to come.
As we embark on a strange, new age and global warming continuously on the rise, doesn’t it make sense to construct your new custom home as an earth home?
©2004 - All Rights Reserved Environmentally-Friendly Earth HomesC. Bailey-Lloyd / Lady Camelot
Author: C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

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