
28 abril 2021

Construire en terre crue _Pisé préfabriqué

Construire en terre crue — Pisé préfabriqué
Développée par l’entreprise de construction autrichienne Lehm Ton Erde et son fondateur Martin Rauch, cette méthode de préfabrication de murs en pisé révolutionne la construction en terre crue. Du mélange des terres à l’assemblage des murs, amàco vous livre dans cette vidéo tous les secrets de fabrication des murs en terre compactée (pisé) du centre ornithologique de Sempach en Suisse, conçu par l’agence d’architecture :mlzd.

Ce bâtiment, qui se fond dans un paysage naturel préservé, est constitué de murs en pisé de 35 à 45 cm d’épaisseur sur une surface de 1240 m2. Non stabilisée, la terre à pisé des murs est extraite dans un rayon de 3 à 6 km du lieu de préfabrication. Elle est disposée dans un coffrage de 50 m de longueur puis compactée par un pisoir mécanisé. 
Les murs décoffrés sont ensuite découpés par une machine spécialement développée par Lehm Ton Erde. Les éléments coupés sont stockés pendant 3 à 4 semaines pour sécher avant d’être assemblés sur le chantier. Un mortier de terre vient finaliser l’assemblage des murs pour un rendu lisse et esthétique. 

Ce film fait partie d’une série intitulée « Construire en terre crue » produite par amàco et Les Films du Lierre. 

Licence Creative Commons : BY + NC + ND 
Co-production : amàco, les films du lierre 
Maîtrise d’ouvrage - Vogelwarte Architecture - mlzd
Entreprise de construction - Lehm Ton Erde

Construire en terre crue — Terre coulée (béton d’argile)


Construire en terre crue — Terre coulée (béton d’argile) 
La terre coulée est une technique de construction en terre crue innovante. Savant mélange de granulats, d’eau et d’argile, la terre coulée, également appelée béton d’argile, est mise en oeuvre comme l’est conventionnellement un béton de ciment. Cette innovation technique et écologique a été choisie par l’agence d’architecture Mil Lieux pour la construction de la maison des associations l’Arche de la ville de Manom (Moselle, France). Issu d’un programme de recherche nommé «béton d’argile environnemental» (http://bit.ly/2pIQm9A​), le matériau formulé rassemble des graviers, du sable, des fines argilo-calcaires, de l’eau et environ 3% de ciment qui accélére le séchage des murs et donc le décoffrage. La terre utilisée (fines argilo-calcaires) est en réalité un déchet industriel de carrière qui a été valorisé sur ce chantier. Ainsi, en plus de se positionner comme une solution d’avenir sur le marché du bâtiment, la terre coulée est une technique facilement reproductible par les entreprises de maçonnerie traditionnelle.
Rapidement autonome, l’entreprise de construction Wig France a bénéficié d’une courte formation en amont du chantier avec le bureau d’études BEterre, afin de tester des murs prototypes et d’appréhender les subtilités qui distinguent la terre coulée du béton conventionnel. 
Avec un rendu esthétique évident, un bilan énergétique plus respectueux de l’environnement que son cousin le béton de ciment et une mise oeuvre simple et rapide, la terre coulée offre de belles perspectives à l’architecture contemporaine en terre crue. 

Ce film fait partie d’une série intitulée « Construire en terre crue » produite par amàco et Les Films du Lierre. 

Licence Creative Commons : BY + NC + ND 
Co-production : amàco, les films du lierre Maîtrise d’ouvrage - Mairie de Manom 
Architecture - Mil Lieux 
Entreprise de construction - Wig France

21 abril 2021

Exemplo_Macha Village Center_China

Text description from the architects.

Construction with earthen materials, as one of the oldest traditional technology, was widely employed all over China during the past thousands of years. According to the latest statistics, at least 60 million people in China are still living in various traditional rammed-earth dwellings, most of which are located in poor and rural regions. 

In recent decades, due to the fact that the earth-based technology is usually regarded as a “dangerous” tech and a symbol of “poverty” by dwellers and governments, an increasing number of rammed-earth dwellings have been abandoned and replaced by conventional constructions with concrete and fired-bricks. However, limited by the low level of economy, technology and education conditions, most of renewed concrete-brick-based dwellings have even worse performances in comfortability, anti-seismic capacity and sustainability.

Macha Village locates in Huining County, Gansu Province. Macha Village locates in the dry ravine area on the loess plateau. The village is in extreme lack of water resources in the using of drinking water. The local dwellings mostly use earth as the primary material. The basic method of building architecture is using brick masonry, traditional rammed earth, cob, and wooden structure.

The activity center locates on a set-back hillside with a slop around 20 degrees. The hillside faces east and the valley with a good sight view and beautiful landscape. The space is divided into an open yard for assembly and theater, and four independent earth houses: multifunctional room(fulfill the need of training, exhibition, reading, and meeting), shop, clinic and child-care center(with a small kitchen).

As the method of special organization, we borrow the conventional yard form in local traditions and try to incorporated the set-back situation of foundation to create a triple house courtyard. The triple house courtyard is enclosed by four different height of earth houses and faces the eastern valley. All the building material and earth are took from the local area; the process of taking material and earth is also a modification of the local area. We hope these earth houses are able to blend in the local landscape naturally just like they grow from the local earth.

The 0.5-meter-thick rammed-earth wall works well as thermal mass to effectively balance indoor temperature and humidity. Due to its enhanced waterproofing performance, it is not necessary to make plastering on the earth wall surface, so that the special texture of rammed-earth can be felt and touched, and can express its natural language.The local tradition of rainwater collection got inherited and further promoted with a roof-ground-based system. The valley wind resource is utilized with a wind turbine system, and can cover the daily demands for electricity. 

This project has special construction organization: there is no professional constructors; around ten local villagers are the center of the whole construction. They are not only the builders of the center but also the users. Additionally, with the support of Wu Zhi Qiao Charitable Foundation, about a hundred of volunteers from mainland, Hong Kong and overseas joined the process of construction. The finish of activity center is an successful achievement for both volunteers and local builders.

Local villagers have natural recognition of cultural identity to the earth house because they have been lived in the earth house for thousands of years. However, this recognition of cultural identity is weaker and weaker because of the modernization as the time goes. Now, we are happy to see this recognition is back.

The Macha Village Center, designed by One Earth Architecture borrows the conventional yard form and local building traditions of the region to create a courtyard that is enclosed by four different height of earth buildings that faces the eastern valley. Al building materials and earth are taken from the local area to blend in the local landscape in a natural way.

20 abril 2021

3DPAST - Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage

We are very happy to inform that the project 3DPAST - Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage was just concluded, and can be visited at: https://esg.pt/3dpast/

The project was coordinated by Escola Superior Gallaecia (esGALLAECIA), as project leader, University of Florence (UNIFI) and University Politecnica de València (UPV), as partners. It was developed in the framework of CREATIVE EUROPE Programme, with co-funding from the European Union (2016-2020).

3DPAST project received international support from:
ICOMOS International, ICOMOS-CIAV, ICOMOS-ISCEAH, ICOMOS-CIPA, & UNESCO-Chair of Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development.

The main idea for the project was to research and value vernacular heritage in World Heritage sites. The key-aim was to enhance this outstanding heritage, through architectural and historical research in a digital and multimedia way, crossing it with a creative component, to reach new audiences.

The project outputs were:
. 3DPAST Book:
"From Vernacular to World Heritage” (a publication with 250 pages in English) for free download at: https://esg.pt/3dpast/publications

. 3DPAST Booklet:
"Guidelines and strategies for maintenance of vernacular architecture in World Heritage sites” (100 pages in 5 languages), for free download at: https://esg.pt/3dpast/3d-past-booklet

. 3DPAST App:
Already available at App Store, very soon at Google Play Store, at: https://esg.pt/3dpast/3dpast-app

. 3DPAST Videos:
Introducing the outputs of the project, at: https://esg.pt/3dpast/videos

. 3DPAST Digital Drawings:
Digital art form the creative component of the project, at: https://esg.pt/3dpast/digital-drawings

. 3DPAST International Conference HERITAGE 2020:
Papers, proceedings and videos of the international conference, at: https://esg.pt/3dpast/platform/pienza.html

You can also visit the project’s platform with deeper research on the selected World Heritage sites, crossed with 3D Models and virtual reality.

Further information about vernacular architecture in the 8 researched World Heritage sites, can be accessed at:

Upper Svaneti, GEORGIA:

Pienza, ITALY:

Cuenca, SPAIN:

Transylvania, ROMANIA:

Old Rauma, FINLAND:

Gjirokastra & Berat, ALBANIA:



Feel free to disseminate.
We hope you enjoy!

Mariana Correia & Gilberto Carlos,
Escola Superior Gallaecia, Portugal

Saverio Mecca & Letizia Dipasquale,
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

Camilla Mileto & Fernando Vegas,
University Politecnica de València, Spain

16 abril 2021

FORMAÇÃO ARQCOOP - Arquitecturas de Terra


Participe nesta formação, saiba mais sobre a construção com terra crua em Portugal e adquira os conhecimentos necessários à implementação em projecto e obra das diversas tecnologias tradicionais e modernas relacionadas com o tabique, o adobe e a taipa!!!

– Especificidade, diversidade e universalidade da construção com terra.
– Sustentabilidade.
– Práticas construtivas.
– Gestão de recursos.
– Técnicas construtivas com terra crua.
– Identificação, análise e ensaios de solos para construção.
– Construção de modelos protótipos em taipa.

24 e 25 de Abril
Sábado e Domingo, das 10h00 às 18h30
14 horas

Programa | Ficha de Inscrição

Foto Obra de JBernardino em Aljezur