EBUK, the Earth Building UK Conference, will be held January 13th 2012 with the focus on the use of earth and clay plasters.
The use of earth and clay plasters has increased in recent years, with interest groups concerned with the conservation of historic buildings, ecologically sensitive new construction, alongside a growing interest from industry in innovative materials.
Earth and clay plasters and mortars, along with green bricks plasters and mortars are currently the most product oriented areas of the earth building family. Although many of the commercial products in this field are imported from Europe, there are a growing number of product suppliers and manufacturers in the UK. The European-wide acceptance of training standards for earth plaster which was achieved in 2011 mean there is opportunity now for a growth in the sector.
The third EBUK conference explores these issues, from user, developer and supplier. Space will be available for display of materials and products.
Conference fee: The conference fee for EBUK members is £42.00. This includes refreshments and lunch. If you are not already an EBUK member the conference fee is £63.00 (this includes a full year’s membership of EBUK).
For more information visit:
Provisional programme EBUK AGM
January 13th 2012, York.
10.00-10.30. Conference 10.45am-5.30pm.
10.45 – Welcome and introduction.(EBUK director): Why earth and clay plaster matter? Past, present and future.
11.00am. Tom Morton (Arc Architects http://www.arc-architects.com/) paper title TBC
11.45am. Annabel Fawcus (EarthedWorld http://earthedworld.co.uk/) paper title TBC
12.30pm. Ben Gourley (University of York) and Nigel Copsey (Earth, Stone and Lime company http://www.nigelcopsey.com/).
Earth Plasters – A North East Yorkshire Tradition.
1.15-2.15pm lunch
2.15pm. Andrew Heath (BRE Centre for Innovative Construction Materials, University of Bath http://www.bath.ac.uk/bre/)
Thin earth walls – technical issues with plasters and plastering
3.00pm. Adam Weismann and Katy Bryce (Clayworks http://www.clay-works.com/)
Clayworks: Making clay plaster work
3.45pm. Barbara Jones (Straw Works http://strawworks.co.uk/)
The application of clay plasters to strawbale buildings; and how the ECVET clay plaster training course works in the UK and Europe.
4.30pm. Neil May (Natural Building Technologies www.natural-building.co.uk);
Mainstreaming Earth Building in the UK
5.15. Conclusions.
The conference will draw to a close at 5.30pm. Papers will be 30 minutes in length with plenty of time for discussion and questions.
Exhibition – Terra Europae – Earthen Architecture in the European Union.
This exhibition was orginally presented as part of the Terra InCognita Earthen Architecture in Europe research project developed in the framework of Culture 2007-2013 Programme of the European Union.
Earth Building UK are delighted to present this exhibition at the 2012 conference.