
13 fevereiro 2014

Taller Arquitectura de Tierra - Cátedra UNESCO-UPV

Desde la Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de Tierra Fernando Vegas y Camilla Mileto van a organizar el taller ARQUITECTURA DE TIERRA: TÉCNICA CONSTRUCTIVA Y RESTAURACIÓN, que tendrá lugar el 27, 28 de febrero y el 1 de marzo de 2014. Os enviamos adjunto el cartel por si fuera de vuestro interés, además podéis encontrar más información sobre el taller y la inscripción en el siguiente enlace:

From the UNESCO Earthen Architecture Chair -UPV Fernando Vegas and Camilla Mileto will organize the workshop EARTH ARCHITECTURE: CONSTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUE AND RESTORATION, which will take place 27, 28 February and 1 March 2014. 
You can find more information about the workshop and registration at the following link:

14º SIACOT_24/28 Novembro 2014_El Salvador

14º SIACOT – El Salvador 2014

El 14° Seminario Iberoamericano de Arquitectura y Construcción con Tierra (SIACOT) El Salvador 2014, promovido por la Red Iberoamericana PROTERRA y organizado por FUNDASAL, tiene como finalidad reunir a los científicos, profesionales y técnicos que trabajan en torno al tema de la arquitectura, conservación y construcción con tierra, interesados por los amplios potenciales de este material.
Fechas Importantes
10 de marzo de 2014 _Fecha límite para envío de resumen
11 de abril de 2014 _Envío de notificación de resumen aceptado
13 de junio 2014 _Fecha límite para envío de artículo
25 de julio de 2014 _Envío de notificación de artículo
24 – 28 de noviembre de 2014 _Seminario

Exemplo_Gando School Library_Burkina Faso_Kere Architecture

© Photos Kere Architecture

Gando School Library_Burkina Faso_Kere Architecture
The library building forms a joint between the first school building and the extension and thus shelters the schoolyard from dust-carrying easterly winds. The library will be open to everybody, not just pupils of the school. It will be a place for village elders to pass on knowledge and traditions down the generations. As in the school buildings, the main construction material is compressed earth blocks. The geometry of the building is however different; in contrast to the strictly rectangular school, the library has an elliptical shape.
The library’s ceiling is an innovative feature that makes good use of local technology. Clay pots, traditionally made by the women of the village, were brought to the site and cut, so as to be open at both the top and bottom. The pots were then cast into the concrete ceiling to create holes for light and ventilation. A rectangular corrugated iron roof sits above this ceiling and extends out beyond the library to create a separate shaded area for study or relaxation. As the metal roof heats up it draws the air from inside the library up and out through the holes in the roof, ensuring a comfortable rate of air circulation. The rectangular area around the library is enclosed by a facade of thin eucalyptus columns.
Eucalyptus is thought of as a weed in Burkina Faso; it dries out the soil and provides very little shade from the sun, so normally it is burned as firewood. This fast growing, hardy plant is an appropriate building material for a country such as Burkina Faso, which suffers from desertification due to deforestation. Some of the eucalyptus façade elements are arranged to form alcoves for sitting and relaxing in the shade.
The interior quality of the library and surrounding space is pleasant, cool and airy – ideal conditions for learning, thinking and studying.

For more information about the project visit Kere Architecture Website

Rammed Earth Conference Perth Australia_Feb. 2015

Dr Beckett, Dr Kavanagh, and Daniela Ciancio are organizing the "FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RAMMED EARTH CONSTRUCTION: CUTTING-EDGE RESEARCH ON TRADITIONAL AND MODERN RAMMED EARTH", that will be held in Perth (Western Australia) in Feb 2015. Further details can be found here: http://www.ecm.uwa.edu.au/research/icrec2015.
This event aims to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners in order to communicate the latest developments in the design and analysis of rammed earth structures.
ICREC2015 will open with a two-day workshop, to be held at Trinity College, University of Western Australia. The two-day ICREC2015 conference will be held in Margaret River, immediately following the workshop. The preliminary program can be found here: http://www.ecm.uwa.edu.au/research/icrec2015/preliminary-program.

The organization kindly invite you to submit an abstract. The abstract deadline has been extended to 28th February 2014.

07 fevereiro 2014

Dois dedos de Conversa...em Almodôvar_Março 2014

Durante o mês de Março, não percam uma série de colóquios temáticos sobre construção e recuperação do elemento construído e do espaço público, a decorrer às sextas-feiras no Fórum Cultural de Almodôvar - Convento de Nossa Senhora da Conceição.
Esta é uma iniciativa da Câmara Municipal de Almodôvar que pretende promover, divulgar e debater a construção e recuperação do elemento construído e do espaço público, ordenamento e planeamento do território, sustentabilidade da construção e do território. A par, a iniciativa “Dois Dedos de Conversa…” pretende ser um contributo para a formação dos diversos intervenientes para a sustentabilidade.

“Dois Dedos de Conversa…” decorrerão em 4 sessões, das 14H00 às 18H00, nos próximos dias 7, 14, 21 e 28 de março; para cada sessão foram convidados vários oradores. 
Informe-se nos Serviços Culturais da Câmara Municipal de Almodôvar, descarregue  a sua ficha de inscrição e inscreva-se já!
Para mais informação acedem ao site da Câmara Municipal de Almodôvar aqui, ou preencham a ficha de inscrição aqui.

Informações e inscrições:
Serviços Culturais da Câmara Municipal de Almodôvar
Telef. 286 660 600

Bricks Grown From Bacteria_Archdaily

" A unique biotechnology start-up company have developed a method of growing bricks from nothing more than bacteria and naturally abundant materials. Having recently won first place in the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Challenge, bioMason has developed a method of growing materials by employing microorganisms. 
Arguing that the four traditional building materials – concrete, glass, steel and wood – both contain a significant level of embodied energy and heavily rely on limited natural resources, their answer is in high strength natural biological cements (such as coral) that can be used “without negative impacts to the surrounding environment.”

According to bioMason, “global cement production in 2008 amounted to 2.8 billion tons, with equivalent quantities of CO2 released into the atmosphere”. 
The energy intensive series of processes, ranging from extracting of the raw material, transportation, and fuel sources for heating kilns, contribute to the fact that “40% of global carbon dioxide emissions are linked to the construction industry.”

“Bacteria, which provide a precise environment to form in combination with a nutrient, nitrogen and calcium source allow for the formation of natural cement in ambient temperatures, taking less than five days to produce a pre-cast material.” bioMason has created a market viable model which involves licensing existing masonry manufacturers to begin growing. 
The inputs for biocements are inexpensive, globally abundant, and can be sourced from waste byproducts. 
Rather than being cast in fuel intensive furnaces, the material is grown in ambient temperatures. The water component used to deliver the cementation reagents is recycled in a closed-loop system and reused in the manufacturing process. 
Furthermore, since biological cements are formed in a different crystalline process than Portland based cements, “recent tests have been successful with seawater.”

You can find out more about the bioMason biobrick here. "
See original Archdaily post here.