
23 dezembro 2007

Novoram_Novas Possibilidades

John Novotny, a Melbourne resident, has developed a very simple and innovative method of rammed earth construction that results in houses massively cheaper than conventional ones and with amazing environmental benefits. Mixing the ancient universal simplicity of earth with modern engineering principles, Novotny developed a concrete-jacket rammed-earth wall system (“Novoram”) that is simple to construct and structurally robust. The resulting walls are built mostly of earth but have a thin concrete jacket and concrete posts integrated into the wall.

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Worldwide, building construction and use accounts for around 40% of greenhouse gas emissions (materials, actual construction, heating, cooling, lighting etc.). The use of green building materials and construction techniques must be a key element in the drive to curb global warming.
One of the most widely applicable green building techniques also happens to be one of the cheapest. John Novotny, a Melbourne resident, has developed a very simple and innovative method of rammed earth construction that results in houses massively cheaper than conventional ones and with amazing environmental benefits.
Now 82 and a convinced socialist (he recently joined the Socialist Alliance) he passionately wants to see this technique widely used to benefit ordinary people and contribute to a better world. Facing persecution by a Stalinist regime, Novotny fled Czechoslovakia in the late 1940s and ended up in Australia. His interest in building really only developed in retirement when, travelling between California and Mexico, he came across an old adobe (mud brick) mission building, still standing solidly centuries after it was built. Novotny set about developing a more modular version of the earth construction he had seen in Mexico. He looked at earth buildings from around the world as well as the post-war development of low-cost earth building techniques in Australia by what became the CSIRO.
Mixing the ancient universal simplicity of earth — earth buildings house over half of the world’s population — with modern engineering principles, Novotny developed a concrete-jacket rammed-earth wall system (“Novoram”) that is simple to construct and structurally robust. The resulting walls are built mostly of earth but have a thin concrete jacket and concrete posts integrated into the wall. By introducing the concrete posts and shell, the buildings have a uniform engineered minimum strength. Regular mud brick, cob or rammed earth walls vary in strength according to the composition of the soil that is used. The concrete jacket overcomes a major hurdle to the use of earth — the excessive red tape surrounding the assumed structural weakness of earth buildings. Because earth walls are generally made of earth from the building site itself, this minimises emissions from transporting the primary building material. Also, because the earth is unbaked, and is simply rammed into the formed wall spaces, the energy embodied in manufacturing the walls is extremely low compared to straight concrete, bricks or timber.
A case study of a 320-square-metre Novoram home revealed that only 129 kilograms of CO2 were produced to compact the unprocessed earth walls, compared to 70,000kg to simply manufacture the bricks for an equivalent-sized brick home! Moreover, earth buildings have a high thermal mass and therefore superior thermal performance. Thick earth walls (300mm or greater) maintain a stable mild temperature but will also soak up and re-radiate the warmth or coolness in buildings. This means that they keep buildings cool in summer and warm in winter, and will actually maximise the effectiveness of space heaters, heat from the sun, or air conditioners. As a result, so long as they are properly insulated from the outside environment, buildings incorporating thermal mass walls require far less heating and cooling.
If a significant portion of buildings nationwide worked on thermal mass principles and incorporated other “passive” design features including insulation, sun shading and passive ventilation, there would be substantial energy savings. Several large power stations could be shut down and major emissions reductions achieved. A study conducted in 2000 by Victoria’s Sustainable Energy Authority (SEAV) into a house at suburban Clyde North made using Novotny’s Novoram technique is testament to the environmental performance of its earth-based construction.
Tony Isaacs, manager of SEAV’s building performance department, stated in a letter to Novotny: “The rating of this house is five stars, however, its performance far exceeds that of most five star homes with a predicted energy use almost half of the maximum allowed for five stars. In addition the performance of the house in summer is such that it is likely to need very little artificial cooling. Of the 1200 houses assessed by SEAV since 1995 only 12 have achieved higher ratings, making this house one of the most energy efficient ever built in Victoria.” Since the Novoram system is based on using earth as the main building material, houses made using the technique are quite literally “dirt cheap”.
Raw unprocessed earth, as opposed to solid concrete, brick, or timber, is free in virtually all cases. In most cases the earth excavated in order to lay the foundations for a building (which usually goes to landfill) is sufficient to fill the walls. Because the walls are earth-filled they also have excellent (sound deadening) acoustics and are not prone to fire. Given the structural soundness of Novoram walls, as well as their environmental friendliness, low cost, and acoustic and fire performance, the system has clear and enormous potential to be used not only for housing, but also in schools, universities, hospitals, small to medium office blocks etc.
Upon developing the jacketed rammed earth system to a “commercial”, modular system (a system which Novotny says is so simple it can be constructed quickly using unskilled labour), Novotny approached a number of commercial organisations and the Victorian government to see if they were interested in trying the system out.
A state government official in charge of building performance told him that the “r” value of the wall (its thermal conductivity) was “too high” and that because the wall did not insulate effectively, the environmental benefits of the system were minimal. This shows a complete non-comprehension of the basic principle of thermal mass — and a highly irrational and unscientific obsession with “insulation” as the sole benchmark of eco-friendly building materials.
Novotny also approached big housing developer AV Jennings and reports that the company’s architects at first seemed genuinely interested then failed to follow up. Presumably they were told by higher authority not to waste their time on something which could only reduce the company’s profitability. What are the best available solutions to the social and environmental functions that buildings must perform?
This question cannot be solved under capitalism. The housing and construction industry is intimately linked to the manufacturers of bricks, timber, concrete, steel and aluminium. The choice of building materials used is determined not by what is most socially rational but by what is most profitable to these interests. Social and environmental needs come a distant second behind the drive for corporate gain. A raft of environmentally and socially friendly technologies and systems like Novotny’s earth construction method are waiting to be plucked from the patent offices and put widely into practice by a social system which actually values their social utility. [John Novotny is seeking to build more homes using the Novoram system and to show other builders how to build using his concrete jacket rammed earth method. For more information email .]

Livro Taipa no Alentejo de Mariana Correia

TAIPA NO ALENTEJO de Mariana Correia

Livro que abre uma nova colecção designada "Arquitectura Tradicional", no qual se publicam estudos de interesse do património português construído. O Alentejo é uma extensa região onde a cultura e tradição construtivas eram marcadas pela corrente utilização da terra. A forte predominância de solos com limo e argila, o que levou o geógrafo Orlando Ribeiro a designar a região sul do país como a 'civilização do barro', traduzia-se pelo frequente uso de técnicas construtivas específicas, tal como a taipa, o adobe ou o tabique.

Na obra agora publicada, fruto da dissertação de Mestrado da arquitectaMariana Correia, a taipa é estudada de forma técnica e sistematizada após a análise das várias tipologias da arquitectura popular da região. Mais de 200 fotografias, dezenas de desenhos e mapas completam este estudo inédito. Formato 19 X 32 cm, 176 páginas, capa mole, quadricromia Prefácio de Paul Oliver e Preâmbulo de Hubert Guillaut

Patrocínio: Ministério da Cultura - Delegação Regional de Cultura do Alentejo Apoio: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Fundação Convento da Orada, Escola Superior Gallaecia, Município de Évora, Município de Reguengos de Monsaraz, STAP, Herdade do Esporão

Rua Prof. Queiroz Veloso, 2
1600 - 658 Lisboa Tel: 213940547 / Fax: 213940548
Arq. Filipe Jorge: 962739449

Mariana Correia, Arq.ª Directora da ESG ESG/ Escola Superior Gallaecia

17 julho 2007

Eventos_Simpósio Internacional de Estruturas em Terra 2007

2007 International Symposium on Earthen Structures
Start Date: 2007-08-22
End Date: 2007-08-24

The 2007 International Symposium on Earthen Structures will take place August 22-24, 2007 in Bangalore, India.

The conference is jointly organized by the Department of Civil Engineering and Center for Sustainable Technologies at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the University of Bath, U.K. and the Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de L’Etate, Lyon, France.

The 2007 International Symposium on Earthen Structures will take place August 22-24, 2007 in Bangalore, India. The conference is jointly organized by the Department of Civil Engineering and Center for Sustainable Technologies at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the University of Bath, U.K. and the Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de L’Etate, Lyon, France.

The symposium will provide an International Forum for information dissemination and exchange, discussions and debates on research and practice in the broad field of earthen structures, including building techniques, materials, architecture, and building-comfort studies.

The symposium aims to bring together practicing professionals (engineers and architects), manufacturers, artistes and designers, academicians, researchers and postgraduate research students keenly interested and engaged in the theory and practice of ‘earthen structures’.


UNI-TERRA is a networking platform for the global exchange of information, experience and know-how in earth architecture and building with earth at an academic level.
Its aim is to promote knowledge transfer between academics and practitioners alike, to support the development of expertise in the field and to ensure its long-term sustainability for future generations.
uni-terra is an initiative by the Dachverband Lehm e.V.

Para visitar o site clicar aqui

16 julho 2007

Eventos_Homeland Plano B _Bienal de Artes VNCerveira

O Atelier Plano B foi convidado a participar na exposição “Arquitectura à Margem” que decorrerá a partir de dia 18 de Agosto na Bienal de Artes de Vila Nova de Cerveira.
A intervenção do Plano B será a construção, em Taipa, de uma “Ilha da Arquitectura” a que chamaram “Homeland”.
A compactação da terra comecará no dia 21 de Julho e deverá prolongar-se até 5 de Agosto.O Plano B gostaria de abrir esta obra à participação de quem tenha interesse e disponibilidade.

Caso queira participar, por favor confirme para o email do Plano B (info@planob.com) em que datas teria disponibilidade por forma a poderem coordenar a obra ou simplesmente apareçerem a Casa do Artesão (antigo mercado do peixe) no centro histórico de Vila Nova de Cerveira.
É ainda possível acompanhar o desenvolvimento da obra em www.planob-cerveira.blogspot.com.

13 julho 2007

Amigos_ABCTerra Brasil

A Associação Brasileira dos Construtores com Terra - ABCTerra, fundada em 23 de abril de 1997, é uma ONG - Organização Não Governamental , que visa divulgar, incentivar e promover o desenvolvimento da arquitetura com terra crua no Brasil. Através de pesquisa, capacitação técnica, execução de trabalhos e montagem de um acervo de documentação, a ABCTerra se propõe a ser um centro de referência sobre o assunto.

Objetivos da Associação

Criar laços com grupos e associações existentes a fim de trocar informações e divulgar as construções com terra crua. Trabalhar em nível educacional promovendo workshops, treinando mão-de-obra para formação de profissionais, desenvolvendo a pesquisa, fazendo intercâmbio, programando visitas e estabelecendo vínculos nacionais e internacionais. Trabalhar pela normatização de técnicas em terra crua no Brasil. Promover, incentivar e apoiar a criação de grupos que construam com a terra em suas várias formas (empresas, cooperativas, associações locais, etc.).

ABCTerra Associação Brasileira dos Construtores com Terra
R. Conselheiro Zacarias 418 Jd. Paulista 01429-020 São Paulo SP
Tel.: 3887 5692
Fax.: 3887 9062

09 julho 2007


Fotografias fabulosas da Grand Mosque, em Djenne, no Mali obras do Fotógrafo brasileiro Jose Luis Berzal

Para ver mais clique aqui

Arq_Terra_os mais altos

Tallest Earth Buildings

The four tallest earth buildings in the world are:

1. Al-Muhdhar Mosque, Tarim, Yemen - 53 meters (175 feet)

2. Huaca del Sol, Moche, Peru - 41 meters (135 feet)

3. Tower Houses, Shibam, Yemen - 29 meters (96 feet)

4. The Grand Mosque, Djenne, Mali - 11 meters (36 feet)

Fonte: http://www.eartharchitecture.org


Vários Projectos_Arquitectura Terra

Trabalho de estudo do UFSC - Departamento de Arquitectura e Urbanismo
Para visitar o site clique aqui

06 julho 2007


Ward+Blake’s TK Residence outside Jackson, Wyo, USA

Ward+Blake’s TK Residence outside Jackson, Wyo., adapts rammed earth building techniques by grafting post-tensioning rods into the foundation’s walls, thereby making them nearly as strong as pure concrete, a much more environmentally intrusive building material when compared to green-friendly rammed earth.

ver artigo original
Digging Deep, Building Strong—Rammed Earth for the Ages

Amigos_Associação Centro da Terra

Centro da Terra

Associação para o estudo, documentação e difusão da construção com terra

Propõe a associação constituir-se como um fórum de discussão das técnicas, materiais, construção e arquitectura em terra, numa perspectiva de preservação do património existente e promoção da nova arquitectura em terra.


Amigos_Oficina da Terra Crua

Oficina da Terra Crua

Acções de Formação Prática

Vera Schmidberger

Rua Professor Veiga Ferreira, 4A 1600-800 Lisboa, telefone I fax 217 575 945

contacto: oficinaterracrua@sapo.pt

Eventos_Terra 2008

05 julho 2007

Eventos_5º Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal

5º Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal 10/11/12/ Outubro 2007
No próximo mês de Outubro, o Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Aveiro, a Escola Superior Gallaecia, a Fundação Convento da Orada e a Associação Centro da Terra, organizam o 5º Seminário Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal, a ter lugar na Universidade de Aveiro.

As inscrições, que podem ser realizadas via E-mail ou Fax, estão já abertas. Devido à proximidade do evento aconselhamo-lo a efectuar a Sua inscrição quanto antes.

Seminário - 11 e 12 de Outubro
160€ até 15 de Setembro / 185€ depois de 15 Setembro - Participantes
135€ até 15 de Setembro / 160€ depois de 15 Setembro - Sócios do CdT e Estudantes
100€ até 15 de Setembro / 125€ depois de 15 Setembro - Palestrantes
100€ - Inscrição em apenas um dia de Seminário
Observação: A inscrição inclui almoços e cafés, e CD com as comunicações (a distribuição do livro de actas pelos participantes dependerá dos apoios conseguidos).

Visita técnica - 13 de Outubro
Inscrição: 35€ - Visita em que se dará a conhecer o património em terra existente no Distrito de Aveiro.
Nota: A inscrição inclui almoço. Partida e a chegada: Universidade de Aveiro

Jantar – dia 11 de Outubro
15€ - Jantar oficial

Como é do Seu conhecimento, o Seminário juntará engenheiros, arquitectos, investigadores e técnicos de diversas partes do mundo, representando as diferentes áreas relacionadas com a construção em terra. Até ao momento recebemos mais de 80 propostas de comunicações integradas nos 4 temas dos painéis, que são:
1. Arquitectura e Ambiente
2. Materiais e Comportamento
3. Técnicas e Construção
4. Património e Conservação

Site do Seminário: https://mail.ua.pt/Redirect/www.civil.ua.pt/5atp.htm
Departamento de Engenharia Civil Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro - Portugal
Tel: +351 234 370049 / 370938
Fax: +351 234 370094

Eventos_BioConstruindo 2007

BioConstruindo 2007
De 21 a 29 de julho, no Ecocentro IPEC

O BioConstruindo 2007 está chegando!